Who we are

PNHP-CA is the California state chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program

PNHP-CA is the California state chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program, a nationwide 501c(3) organization created by physicians in 1987.

We are an organization of doctors, dentists, nurses, mental health professionals, health professional students, advanced practice clinicians, and rehabilitation therapists who advocate for a publicly financed single payer healthcare program that is universal and comprehensive. 

We educate colleagues and the public about the need to regard healthcare as a public service,similar to primary education, police and fire protection.

We advocate for a single payer health care system for the nation and for California. 

We believe that racism is a public health emergency and campaign for health equity as a necessary step to social justice.

PNHP-CA welcomes ALL healthcare providers and professionals, health profession students, and healthcare reform advocates. 


We have regional chapters and affiliated student chapters in northern, southern, and central California

Members are encouraged to join one of our existing chapters or charter a new one with five members. 

We have a Steering Committee composed of two members from each chapter. Meetings are open to all PNHP California members.

We believe that healthcare is a basic human right, and everyone is entitled to high-quality, affordable, comprehensive care. Our mission is to educate and advocate for the establishment of a fully publicly financed single-payer health care program in California and the nation.